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What role does Penelope Cruz play in Michael Manns Ferrari? All about Laura Dominica Garello

The world of cinema is abuzz with the exciting new project named Ferrari under Michael Mann, who has cast the extremely talented Adam Driver as Enzo Ferrari and Penélope Cruz as Laura Dominica Garello Ferrari in the sports-themed thriller.

The first teaser of the film, released on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, gives us a glimpse into the world-famous luxury sports car brand and its owner. Deadline Hollywood has penned down the film's storyline as:

"Set during the summer of 1957. Ex-racecar driver, Ferrari, is in crisis. Bankruptcy stalks the company he and his wife, Laura, built from nothing ten years earlier. Their tempestuous marriage struggles with the mourning for one son and the acknowledgement of another. He decides to counter his losses by rolling the dice on one race - 1,000 miles across Italy, the iconic Mille Miglia."

Between all the uproar about an unrecognizable Adam Driver and his much-awaited portrayal of the titular character, Penélope Cruz makes her mark by taking on the role of Ferrari's wife, Laura Dominica Garello.

Who is Laura Dominica Garello? Penelope Cruz's role in the Ferrari biopic explored

The newly released teaser trailer for Ferrari breezes through the career and personal life of Enzo Ferrari, in which his wife Laura has a significant role to play.

Laura Dominica Garello was born to an aristocratic family in Italy on August 20, 1900, and was a remarkable woman in her own right. While there is not much known about her parents and her life before marriage, she was married to Enzo Ferrari on April 28, 1923, at the age of 25. She mothered Alfredo Dino Ferrari, born in 1932, and eventually succumbed to muscular dystrophy in 1956.

Despite a hectic personal life, Enzo and Laura remained married till her death in Modena, Italy, on February 27, 1978. She has often been credited with being Enzo's support system throughout his professional venture, but the two allegedly shared a love-hate relationship due to his romantic affiliations with Lina Lardi.

Besides their stormy relationship as depicted in the trailer itself, Laura Dominica Garello and Enzo's mother Adalgisa Ferrari were never secretive about their mutual hatred for one another.

As the 49-year-old Spanish actor Penélope Cruz steps into the shoes of the entrepreneur's wife, she is seen to capture the essence of Laura's character and act as a pillar of strength regardless of all. Cruz has been credited for her contributions to the Hollywood film industry with Volver (2006) and Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), for which she received an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Ferrari beyond Laura Dominica Garello's role

The upcoming sports biopic directed by Michael Mann is a stellar addition when it comes to the genre, with films such as Next Goal Wins and Gran Turismo having 2023 releases.

The Adam Driver starrer is based on the book by Brock Yates named Enzo Ferrari: The Man and the Machine. With a budget of $90 million and a run time of 130 minutes, the film will be distributed by Neon in the United States and by STX International globally.

Ferrari will be released on Christmas Day domestically after making a run for the Golden Lion at the 80th Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2023.

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