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What does Polyana Viana's chest tattoo mean? Explaining the significance behind the UFC star's ink

Having tattoos is almost synonymous with being an MMA fighter, and Polyana Viana is no exception.

However, instead of a full sleeve or a back tattoo, Viana has unique ink done on her chest.

In a video posted in September 2021, the UFC strawweight revealed her new chest tattoo, inked right on her sternum. The tattoo is clearly visible when she weighs in wearing Venum gear.

The unique design of the tattoo left many non-anime fans wondering what the ink means, while anime fans immediately recognized it and hailed Viana for being a fellow fanatic.

Polyana Viana happens to be a massive Japanese anime fan, especially of the widely popular series Naruto. Her Instagram is full of cosplays of different characters from Naruto.

The tattoo is a recreation of the facial structure of an iconic antagonist from Naruto, namely Pain.

According to the story of the anime, Pain was the so-called leader of the criminal organization Akatsuki, although that changes later. He was the reconstructed corpse of an orange-haired, kind-hearted character called Yahiko, which was controlled by his friend, the man behind the scenes with the powerful Rinnegan eyes, Nagato Uzumaki.

Nagato has an incredibly tragic backstory in the show, being orphaned to the war as a child, losing his best friend as a teen, and being used as a pawn in a bigger ploy as an adult. Despite his violent actions, he is considered a 'broken hero' beloved by the fandom, which fueled the UFC star's decision to ink the symbol on her chest.

Polyana Viana once explained on her TikTok that besides Pain being her favourite character, she also found his story 'sad and beautiful', which is why she tattooed it.

The UFC turned down Polyana Viana's request to walk out in a Naruto cosplay

UFC fighters who are anime fans love to pay tribute to the culture in various ways.

Israel Adesanya, whose love for Japanese manga and anime is very well-known, has often made poses and gestures derived from different shows. He most memorably mimicked the stance of another Naruto character Rock Lee during the weigh-in against Anderson Silva.

Former UFC fighter Roxanne Modafferi has also done several Dragon Ball Z cosplays during events.

However, according to Alex Behunin, the UFC has turned down Polyana Viana's multiple requests to walk out in a Naruto cosplay or even just a headband.

"Polyana Viana has requested several times to walk out to the octagon with her cosplay or just a bandana from Naruto. She has been denied every time," he wrote.

While some fans commended UFC's decision, others pointed out the bias in treatment. A few brought up the time Adesanya walked out to the octagon paying tribute to The Undertaker.

Read the comments here.

Polyana Viana is fighting Iasmin Lucindo at UFC Fight Night: Vicente Luque vs. Rafael dos Anjos this Saturday, August 12.

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