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Water That Failed To Transcend in Genshin Impact: Location and Hydro Tulpabossdetails

Genshin Impact's latest 4.2 update will see the release of the Hydro Archon, Furina. Fans have already begun farming for her ascension and talent materials to prepare for her arrival. While most resources needed to ascend are available in-game, some will be added alongside version 4.2's release. One such item is called Water That Failed To Transcend.

This material can be acquired from a foe, and players can obtain it by defeating the new World Boss, Hydro Tulpa. They will need 46 of Water That Failed To Transcend to raise Furina's level to 90. This article will cover the Hydro Tulpa World Boss' location in Genshin Impact's Fontaine region.

How to obtain Water That Failed To Transcend in Genshin Impact

Hydro Tulpa as seen in the 4.2 trailer (Image via HoYoverse)

Water That Failed To Ascend can be obtained by defeating the Hydro Tulpa boss located towards the North of the Elynas region in Fontaine. Defeating this foe once and spending 40 Resin will reward you with 2-3 of that material.

Hydro Tulpa location (Image via HoYoverse)

This new World Boss Hydro Tulpa can be found underwater in the Chemin de L'Espoir region north of Elynas. You will have to dive underwater to reach the Hydro Tulpa's location marked on the map above.

This foe is a humanoid monster formed by the agglomeration of water droplets. It will be able to execute different types of attacks. This includes punches, throws, melee, and a barrage of water spears.

Hydro Tulpa with Half-Tulpas (Image via HoYoverse)

During the battle, Hydro Tulpa may also spawn Half-Tulpas that deal damage alongside it. The World Boss may absorb these Half-Tulpas to grow stronger as well. As such, players must disrupt the absorption process using different types of attacks and elemental reactions.

Similar to other World Bosses in Genshin Impact, defeating Hydro Tulpa will reward players with an array of items, including Water That Failed To Transcend:

  • Water That Failed To Transcend
  • Varuna Lazurite Sliver
  • Varuna Lazurite Fragment
  • Varuna Lazurite Chunk
  • Varuna Lazurite Gemstone
  • 3-star artifact set pieces (Berserker, The Exile, Adventurer, Prayers of Destiny)
  • 4-star artifact set pieces (Berserker, The Exile, Prayers of Destiny, Gladiator's Finale, Wanderer's Troupe)
  • 5-star artifact set pieces (Gladiator's Finale, Wanderer's Troupe)
  • Mora
  • Adventure EXP
  • Companionship EXP

For more information and updates, follow Sportskeeda's Genshin Impact hub.

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