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Is Bachelor Juan Pablos Relationship with Nikki Ferrell Over Already?

Disney ABC Television Group's 2014 Winter TCA Party - Arrivals

From most-anticipated contestant on the history of The Bachelor to most disrespected….. That’s the life of Juan Pablo. Just when you think things couldn’t get any worse, reports are already surfacing that his relationship (if you want to call it that) is already over with Nikki Ferrell.

When Juan Pablo and Ferrell were reunited in Los Angeles this past week she asked her “boyfriend” if he had been faithful. The report says she asked him point blank if he had been faithful during the time they spent apart.  To her surprise (and none of ours), Juan Pablo wouldn’t even answer her. He avoided the question as best as he could and kept trying to change the subject. His cell phone would ring and he would step out of the room to take a call. When he returned, he wouldn’t even tell Nikki who he just spoke with leaving her in tears. Supposedly, he’s been avoiding Ferrell altogether since the show broke. They didn’t even stay in the hotel room after the shooting of the final episode.

Clearly, this relationship isn’t going anywhere. While they’re still trying to put up a front that they’re still dating it appears as if this relationship is just about to break. He’s treating her just like we suspected. What a waste of an entire season…..

Photo by Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images
