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How much is a triple Whopper meal?

Burger King Menu Price Categories Item Price Meal Price Item Price Meal Price Triple WHOPPER $5.29 $6.79 WHOPPER $3.49 $5.79 WHOPPER Jr. $3.49 $4.59 Click to see full answer. Similarly, how much does a Whopper meal cost?As always, it depends where you live but the average price is around $3.49. For the Whopper meal, which includes small fries and small drink, it will run you about $5.79.Furthermore, how much does a Whopper with cheese cost? Burger King Menu Prices Food Price Whopper $4.19 Whopper – Meal $6.49 Double Whopper $5.29 Double Whopper – Meal $7.59 Also to know, how much is impossible Whopper meal? The Impossible Whopper will have a suggested retail price of $5.59, but pricing and availability can vary. From Aug. 8 through Sept. 1, Burger King has a deal it’s calling the “Impossible Taste Test.”How much is a whopper 2019? Burger King Menu Whopper $4.19 Chicken Nuggets – Meal $5.99 Chicken Fries (Limited Time) $2.99 Chicken Fries – Meal (Limited Time) $5.59 Big Fish Sandwich $3.99
