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How many tattoos does Blac Chyna aka Angela White have after Baphomet tattoo removal? Designs and th

Blac Chyna is not one to shy away from getting tattoos. The American model currently has about 15 tattoos after her viral tattoo removal.

Blac Chyna recently had several tattoos removed, including the Baphomet, the "Stevenson", and the "Jay" tattoo. As she is on her religious journey, the model stated that the tattoo removals will help her leave the negativity behind and support her self-healing journey.

Most of Blac Chyna's current tattoos are floral designs, which she has used to cover up the tattoos she is not fond of anymore. Other than that, the model also has tattoos that hold special meaning to her or pay tribute to people special to her, like her son and daughter.

Most of Blac Chyna's remaining tattoos are mostly floral motifs

1) Chrysanthemum and phoenix on her back

The two tattoos combined are some of the biggest designs on Blac Chyna's body. The Chrysanthemum tattoo is one of the largest cover-up artworks on her body.

Prior to the floral tattoo, Chyna had a 'tramp stamp' which used a tribal design and had Chinese lettering going down her spine. The Chrysanthemum uses the swirls of the tribal design for the petals, creating a gorgeous cover-up work.

Above the Chrysanthemum and the surrounding foliage is the phoenix. The bird is known to be a symbol of rebirth and hope. It is well-known that the phoenix rises from its ashes after death, signifying immortality. Many people get a phoenix inked when they want strength and hope to get through hard times.

2) Floral tattoo with lily on her thigh

Blac Chyna has a large tattoo covering the right side of her body. It covers her entire thigh and stretches onto her hips. This tattoo consists of lilies and colorful swirls. It serves the purpose of artfully covering up many of the model's older tattoos.

Lilies are a symbol of purity and innocence. They are often used in religious paintings and art. This flower is often used to represent the Virgin Mary and can be seen in the Resurrection of Christ scene.

3) Floral tattoo with Chrysanthemum on her side

Blac Chyna has two large floral tattoos on the left side of her torso. The pink flower design is located at her hip and helped her cover two of her older tattoos, a watermelon tattoo and a tattoo of Tyga's nickname, "T-Rawww."

The pink flower helps hide the half-eaten watermelon and the foliage helps hide the name on her bikini line. Before the pink flower, Chyna inked a Chrysanthemum to the side of her ribcage. The two tattoos together cover almost the entirety of the left side of her torso.

4) Tribal design on her left hand and henna-inspired design on her right

These two tattoos seem to be companion pieces as both are made with similar red ink and are located on the inner side of her palm.

The tattoo on Blac Chyna's right hand is inspired by the artwork created by Henna artists. The henna design is meant to be a cover-up for a previous tattoo she had with the name "Michael", which is the real name of her ex-fiance Tyga.

The tattoo on her left hand is a triangular tribal design with King's name at the end, in honor of her son, who was just born when she got this. The geometric tribal design is an intricate piece spanning from her wrist to the base of her thumb and forefinger.

5) Butterflies on her feet joining with a floral tattoo on her calf

Blac Chyna has a collection of tattoos that join together to create a gorgeous piece. She has a dainty floral tattoo that stretches all the way from her feet to her calf.

She inked butterflies on both her feet. The butterfly on her left foot ties into the bigger floral tattoo on her calf and the butterfly on her right foot is a solo tattoo. The butterfly on the right slightly overlaps with the "P*SSY" tattoo.

6) "King" and "Dream" on the sides of her palms

After the birth of her second child, Blac Chyna got both their names inked in similar fonts. The tattoos are meant to be companion pieces as they are placed on the outer sides of both her palms and they use the same script lettering.

The words "King" and "Dream" appear in beautifully stylized fonts, in stark black ink to make them stand out. The "Dream" tattoo also covers up the Future tattoo she previously had in honor of her ex.

7) "F*CK" on the side of her ribcage

Blac Chyna has the word "F*CK" inked to the left side of her rib cage. The font and design are very similar to the "ROCKSTAR" tattoo, so they seem to be companion pieces.

When people get this word inked, it is usually to show they are not afraid of people's judgment and taking unconventional paths.

8) "P*SSY" on her feet and "BC" on her ankle

Blac Chyna got the "BC" tattoo when she was dating Mechie. The initials are part of a 'couple tattoo' the partners got. Mechie has a similar tattoo behind his ears and Chyna's tattoo is located on her left ankle.

She also has the word "P*SSY" inked to her right foot. The word is inked to the side of her feet and it overlaps with the butterfly tattoo. She got this tattoo in honor of her private parts and female empowerment.

9) "ROCKSTAR" on the side

Blac Chyna got a "ROCKSTAR" tattoo when she was with YBN Almighty Jay. The tattoo was not only a tribute to her then boyfriend's hit single Rockstar, but she too appeared in the music video for a cameo.

The tattoo appears above a floral design on the right side of her torso. The word is sprawled across her chest and the floral design sits on the side of her rib cage.

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