Enzo Amore saw a lot during his time in WWE. He was also there when Chris Jericho got furious at Brock Lesnar over legit cutting Randy Orton open at the 2016 SummerSlam event.
While recently speaking with Busted Open Radio, NZO recalled witnessing Jericho start a fight between Vince McMahon and the Beast Incarnate over that bloody stunt at the biggest party of the summer.
“There was a real fight that took place that day in the middle of the Garden. Why? Because when you think of Randy and Chris Jericho in SummerSlam [2016], Randy bleeding out. They guys in the locker room are not smart into the business. Jericho leaves that locker room furious. Gets into Gorilla and flips out and causes a fight between Brock and Vince.”
“Because he in his mind is protecting Randy and the business and he is thinking that Brock is taking liberties on a guy. [No one] in the entire arena whether backstage, in the locker room, in gorilla, in the f*cking arena, didn’t know what the f*ck just happened. Very confusing, because it was real.”
WWE hasn’t pulled off a risky spot like that since. Brock Lesnar might know how to bust someone open with his elbow, but it was not easy to watch at all. That gruesome spot also caused Jericho to get up in Brock Lesnar’s face over it because he was protecting his friend Randy Orton.
Things could have gone much worse than they did at SummerSlam in 2016, both behind the curtain and in the ring.
Thanks to Wrestling Inc for the quote
Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.