I eat meat. For years in my late teens and early 20s, I stopped eating red meat. It was like that for a while until one day I was just craving a steak. Now I eat red meat a couple times a month, but my daily diet consists of leaner meat like turkey or chicken. Part of the reason why I’m a meat eater is that I don’t think too hard or too much about the animals I’m eating. I’m sure if I ever developed a friendship with a cow, I would never want to eat steak again. Chickens, on the other hand, I couldn’t care less about. I’ve almost killed my neighbors’ chickens and that fakakta rooster with my bare hands. My point? I’m not sure I could do what Chris Pratt does on his farm. Chris Pratt raises lambs, he hugs them and loves them and takes care of them and then he slaughters them and eats them. He documented this affection and literal butchery on his Instagram, writing and saying:
“I’m excited to get back into posting stuff to social media after a much needed hiatus… I’m doing this new blood type diet and since I have a strain of alien blood that they’ve never seen before, it’s kind of a free for all with what I get to eat… Since I’ve been farming lamb for the past six months and fishing, I’m eating lamb. That’s right, fresh farm to table lamb. They are the happiest lambs on the planet. They are so sweet and then one day they wake up dead and they’re in my freezer. I don’t know how it even works but it’s amazing and if you’re a vegetarian, I apologize, I don’t mean to be insensitive but I did have a wonderful lamb lunch for my snack.”
“Look at all this glorious food! We will eat off him for a month. His wool is becoming yarn as we speak. He lived a very good life. He was groomed and shorn, his hooves medicated, de wormed, no antibiotics necessary. Surrounded by laughing loving humans, including children to whom they provided such joy. Nuzzled, pet and loved every day. No stressful travel to his final destination. Trauma Free. Just a touch of a usda certified wand to his head and he goes to sleep. The other sheep don’t even notice. It’s like unplugging a tv. Then Wocka my butcher works his magic. Right now the meat is for friends, family and gifts. Soon though it may be available to my followers as we test recipes and open up to market. Gotta get some things dialed in first. I have found a new passion to add to my many others. #farmlife and jack loves it! You’ll know where to sprinkle my ashes. I’ll tell you that.”
[From Chris Pratt’s Instagram]
I’m not naive – of course farm animals get slaughtered and that’s how meat ends up in grocery stores and how I end up buying the manager’s special on hamburger meat when I’m PMS-ing (I NEED IRON). But, as I said, I couldn’t do that if I saw children playing with the cow I was planning on eating. Maybe that guy was right… maybe I am just an uptight city girl? Hm. Or maybe I’ve just always anthropomorphized animals? That’s true as well.
As for Pratt and his farm and his butcher who carves up lambs… I mean, this is on-brand for Chris Pratt’s Americana-bro style. But it just leaves me cold.
Photos courtesy of Instagram, Backgrid.
