Dear Angelina Jolie: STOP WITH THE SHOULDER PADS. It’s not 1987 anymore!! I actually wonder if she’s doing shoulder pads nowadays as an effort to “balance out” her reconstructed breasts, which I think we can say… they have not “settled” yet. They look bigger than the originals, and they’re higher too. I think Angelina is wearing shoulder pads because she doesn’t know how to dress her current upper body. Just a theory.
Anyway, these are photos from the daytime photocall for Maleficent in London today. Angie’s dress has CROWS on them. I think it’s adorable that Elle and Angie are doing clothes with the Maleficent “theme” – Elle is usually dressed like a princess of light, Angelina’s been doing the goth thing. But I appreciate that Angelina mixed up a little bit with some crows. Maleficent loves her crow. Or is it a raven? I know I’m going to get yelled at for that, so bring it on. I’ll be damned if I can find the designer IDs on these dresses, but I’ll update if I see them. Update: Angie’s dress is Versace!
Angelina also gave some interviews/statements to the press last night and today in London. When asked about the Nigerian school girls who were abducted weeks ago, Jolie said:
“These men thought that they can get away with this, that they could abuse them in such a way, sell them, rape them, take them as property, because so many people have gotten away with this in the past because of this culture of impunity.”
It’s worth noting that just after the Maleficent event last night, Angelina and Brad went out for a late dinner with UK Foreign Secretary William Hague as well. I would imagine that Hague and Jolie had a lot to talk about – she’s expected in London next month for a huge event for violence against women.
Angelina also had some good quotes about how Maleficent was always her “favorite” when she was little and “I wasn’t into princesses and I thought she was so elegant and so powerful…She scared me a little bit.” She also talks about how she’s constantly worried about her children, so much so that she can’t sleep at night sometimes: “Of course just anything happening to somebody that I love is my greatest fear. There’s a lot that keeps me up a night, there’s a lot of bad stuff going on in the world.”
PS… SHOES. Look at the fake blood!! That’s amazing.
Photos courtesy of WENN.