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Angelina Jolie wears a crow-printed dress to UK photocall: gorgeous or dated?


Dear Angelina Jolie: STOP WITH THE SHOULDER PADS. It’s not 1987 anymore!! I actually wonder if she’s doing shoulder pads nowadays as an effort to “balance out” her reconstructed breasts, which I think we can say… they have not “settled” yet. They look bigger than the originals, and they’re higher too. I think Angelina is wearing shoulder pads because she doesn’t know how to dress her current upper body. Just a theory.

Anyway, these are photos from the daytime photocall for Maleficent in London today. Angie’s dress has CROWS on them. I think it’s adorable that Elle and Angie are doing clothes with the Maleficent “theme” – Elle is usually dressed like a princess of light, Angelina’s been doing the goth thing. But I appreciate that Angelina mixed up a little bit with some crows. Maleficent loves her crow. Or is it a raven? I know I’m going to get yelled at for that, so bring it on. I’ll be damned if I can find the designer IDs on these dresses, but I’ll update if I see them. Update: Angie’s dress is Versace!

Angelina also gave some interviews/statements to the press last night and today in London. When asked about the Nigerian school girls who were abducted weeks ago, Jolie said:

“These men thought that they can get away with this, that they could abuse them in such a way, sell them, rape them, take them as property, because so many people have gotten away with this in the past because of this culture of impunity.”

[Via The Independent]

It’s worth noting that just after the Maleficent event last night, Angelina and Brad went out for a late dinner with UK Foreign Secretary William Hague as well. I would imagine that Hague and Jolie had a lot to talk about – she’s expected in London next month for a huge event for violence against women.

Angelina also had some good quotes about how Maleficent was always her “favorite” when she was little and “I wasn’t into princesses and I thought she was so elegant and so powerful…She scared me a little bit.” She also talks about how she’s constantly worried about her children, so much so that she can’t sleep at night sometimes: “Of course just anything happening to somebody that I love is my greatest fear. There’s a lot that keeps me up a night, there’s a lot of bad stuff going on in the world.”

PS… SHOES. Look at the fake blood!! That’s amazing.




Photos courtesy of WENN.
