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Alan Cummings 25 Things: he speaks French & hes pro-Scottish independence

I know I should be watching the “cool” shows but I’m still watching The Good Wife. In my defense, last season was really good and they have excellent guest stars. Alan Cumming was just supposed to be a one-episode guest star in the first season and he was so good and had so much sparkle that they asked him to join the cast permanently. And so now this lovely bisexual Scotsman is playing a Chicago “fixer” on an American network drama. Bizarre, but lovely. Alan really works well on the show too – he’s one of my favorite parts. So, to promote the new season of The Good Wife (the season premiere is next Sunday), Alan did Us Weekly’s “25 Things You Don’t Know About…” feature. There is new information!

1. I am not American. I just play one on TV.
2. I was the voice of Black Beauty and I am the voice of Gusty Smurf.
3. I’m vegan.
4. My first job was writing horoscopes for a Scottish newspaper.
5. I hate melon.
6. I am really good at cooking for large groups of people.
7. I did a sponsored walk along the Great Wall of China for amfAR.
8. I don’t have a middle name.
9. I’ve been married to a woman and now I’m married to a man.
10. I recently sang a duet with Beth Ditto of Gossip.
11. I am pretty nifty with a chain saw.
12. I once danced with Walter Cronkite.
13. I speak French.
14. I’m in favor of Scotland becoming independent.
15. I’ve never seen Grease.
16. I had someone’s name tattooed on my body two weeks after we met.
17. My dog, Honey, can do impersonations of Andy Warhol, Halle Berry, Carol Channing and Mary J. Blige, all while wearing the same wig.
18. My absolute favorite drink is a vodka martini.
19. I was in Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, but I’ve never been to a reunion.
20. I used to think Martha Stewart owned Martha’s Vineyard.
21. I’ve been stranded on a desert island. (Only for 45 minutes and only because my drunk friends thought I was below deck on the yacht we were sailing on, but nonetheless.)
22. Last year, I had an exhibition of photographs called “Alan Cumming Snaps.”
23. I was knocked out by a deer.
24. I am a doctor. (I have an honorary arts doctorate, but I can still take your pulse.)
25. I was once escorted off a plane by the FBI.

[From Us Weekly]

I would like to know more about #11 – what is he doing with a chainsaw?! #13 – please speak French to me, Alan. They need to write that storyline into The Good Wife: Eli Gold speaks French! They had an episode last season where Christine Baranski spoke fluent French, so they could do it again. I also want to know more about #14 – Alan wants Scotland to become a republic? Is that what Scottish independence means? That Scotland will no longer “belong” to the Queen? I would also LOVE to hear the story about Alan being escorted off a plane by the FBI. I bet that’s a great story.

PS… Alan’s on Twitter and he posts a lot of lovely photos too – one of my favorite pics is one where he’s phone-banking for Bill de Blasio. Can you imagine Alan Cumming calling you up and asking you to vote a certain way?

Photos courtesy of WENN.
