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5 most interesting facts about renaming Wanderer in Genshin Impact

Wanderer is a beloved character that you can rename in Genshin Impact during the 'As Though Morning Dew Archon' Quest. Unsurprisingly, there are many interesting facts associated with this action. An obvious example would be that he refuses to accept his old aliases for a new name.

This short listicle will highlight some neat little facts regarding the renaming process associated with the character that some Genshin Impact players might not be aware of. A few of these entries may even be useful to the reader, with the best example being the first one on this list.

Five interesting facts regarding Wanderer's new name in Genshin Impact

1) You can name him Sсаramouche with a clever trick

Trying to name Wanderer using one of his former monikers will result in him stating that he has no need for his old alias. However, there is one clever way to trick the game into accepting Sсаramouche as an acceptable name.

To do so, use a Unicode look-alike for any of the letters in "Sсаramouche." Genshin Impact won't detect it as his old moniker. You can even test it out. Sсаramouche and Scaramouche look like two identical words in the same sentence. However, use Ctrl+F and type that name.

You might notice that only one of those words in the previous paragraph was highlighted. That's because Unicode look-alike characters make two words look identical, but they behave as if they are different letters altogether. This method works with all monikers, including the stuff that the game would usually reject.

2) You can give him your own name

This is what happens when you give him your name (Image via HoYoverse)

Although Wanderer rejects many names already given to other characters, he has no issue accepting your name. For example, if a player is named "Bob," and they choose to call Wanderer "Bob," then they will see something similar to the above image. On that screen, the gamer can select "Yes. I think that will do."

From that point on, that player and Wanderer will share the same moniker. His new alias will obviously differ from one player's account to another if one chooses to do this.

3) You can get banned for giving him a bad name

An example of a player being warned about their actions (Image via Genshin Impact Global)

Should a player find themselves clever enough to evade the censor filter, they may receive a mail similar to what's shown in the image above. They will get An Appellative Stroke, which is used to rename Wanderer to something better.

The text in this mail even states:

"...If you continue to act in violation of the aforementioned rules, this account will be further penalized and may even be banned."

It should be pretty obvious what would be considered an acceptable name and what wouldn't.

4) One item allows you can rename Wanderer, but only once

This item can only be used once (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact players receive an item known as An Appellative Stroke upon completion of 'As Though Morning Dew.' This item allows Travelers to rename Wanderer into anything they like. The only downside is that it can only be used once in the game.

Thus, most players will only have two opportunities to give this character a new name. The first happens in the 'As Through Morning Dew' quest, and the second is by using the An Appellative Stroke item.

The only exception to this is in the previous entry, where HoYoverse warns the user about giving the character an offensive moniker.

5) Not all used names are rejected

While several names associated with important characters will be rejected, that doesn't mean all already-used aliases will see the same fate. For example, the following monikers are accepted:

  • Barbatos
  • Ei
  • Makoto

What's deemed acceptable or not is rather inconsistent. For example, "Barbatos" is fine, but "Morax" is not, even though both names are used a lot in the Genshin Impact story.

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