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10 of the Most Hated Men in Hollywood

Justin Bieber performing in Singapore

Like any industry, Hollywood needs a little bit of controversy to keep fans interested.  Luckily for the entertainment industry, many of its most famous names often provide a bit of extra entertainment without even having to be asked.  Unfortunately for some stars, the entertainment they have seemingly gone out of their way to provide, sometimes results in negative attention, and can even damage a legacy that has taken years to build.  While some stars enjoy being criticized for their behavior, others genuinely do not mean to stir up trouble, and sometimes spend years trying to repair the damage they have done.  Here are 10 of the most hated men in Hollywood.

10. Zac Efron

High School Musical star Zac Efron was once a teen heart throb who couldn’t miss when it came to gaining approval from fans.  Efron has been making consistent appearances since his on-screen debut; however, many seem to be unimpressed with Efron and his efforts.

9. Ashton Kutcher

To most people Ashton Kutcher seems like a pretty likable guy; however, many would disagree.  The Kutcher hate initially began in 2011 when he threw away his marriage with fellow Hollywood star, Demi Moore.  For many Kutcher joining the cast of CBS’ Two and a Half Men also didn’t help to earn him any fans.

8. Sean Penn

Sean Penn may be an award-winning actor, but his politics off-screen have brought him a lot of grief.  Penn’s more than liberal stance on many issues has made a lot of people feel uncomfortable; however, Penn is never afraid to speak up for once he believes in.

7. Jonah Hill

Several years ago, it would have been extremely difficult to see how anyone could hate Jonah Hill.  However, things quickly changed when the Hollywood funny guy began taking himself a little too seriously.   Recently, Hill began rubbing people the wrong way when he started referring to himself as a serious actor.  During an interview, Hill stated: “I’ve done one of the biggest challenges you can do in Hollywood, which is transition from being a comedic actor to being a serious actor, and I’m really prideful of that. I could have made a billion dollars doing every big comedy of the last 10 years and didn’t, in order to form a whole other life for myself. Now I have fulfillment doing both.” While there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a serious actor – in fact, it’s something to strive for – Hill isn’t really a serious actor to anyone but himself.

6. Shia LaBeouf

Shia LaBeouf was once one of the most beloved young stars in the industry; however, things have certainly changed. LaBeouf’s strange behavior over the last several years has resulted in him becoming one of the most hated people on Hollywood.  After showing up to a red carpet event wearing a paper bag over his head that read “I’m not famous anymore,” many people began to question his motivation, and more importantly, his sanity.

4. Jay Leno

Late night talk show host Jay Leno may specialize in making people laugh, but some people don’t seem to find him very funny.  Unfortunately for Leno, it’s not just viewers that seem to dislike him, but many of his industry colleges as well.  According to Entertainment Weekly, Jay Leno is hated so much because ” he stole The Tonight Show from Johnny Carson’s rightful heir, David Letterman, way back in the early ’90s. Because he refused to simply retire when NBC tried to replace him with Conan O’Brien in 2009. Because his primetime Jay Leno Show tanked, sinking Conan’s Tonight Show before it had even really begun—and eventually forcing Conan to leave NBC for good. And most of all, because they say his jokes are broad, pandering, and eminently unfunny—which is a shame particularly because once upon a time, Leno had a reputation for being one of standup’s sharpest and edgiest comedians.”

3. Joaquin Phoenix

Actor Joaquin Phoenix has made countless headlines during his career.  Unfortunately for him, all of them have not been positive.  For years, Phoenix has been included on lists containing Hollywood’s most hated stars.  Negative feelings towards Phoenix are likely a result of anti Oscar Award comments he made back in 2012 when he stated that ” I don’t want to be a part of it [the Oscars]. I don’t believe in it. It’s a carrot, but it’s the worst-tasting carrot I’ve ever tasted in my whole life. I don’t want this carrot. It’s totally subjective. Pitting people against each other . . . It’s the stupidest thing in the whole world. It was one of the most uncomfortable periods of my life when Walk the Line was going through all the awards stuff and all that. I never want to have that experience again. I don’t know how to explain it—and it’s not like I’m in this place where I think I’m just above it—but I just don’t ever want to get comfortable with that part of things.”

2. Jesse James

Nearly five years ago, reality TV star Jesse James labeled himself “the most hated man in the world” after his split from famous wife Sandra Bullock.  Unfortunately for James, the public has a long memory, and he has never been quite able to recover. The I HATE Jesse James Facebook page has over 500 likes and was actively posting as recently as last summer.

1. Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber is perhaps the most hated person in the entire entertainment industry.  The 20 year-old Canadian superstar quickly transformed from beloved young idol to an obnoxious bad boy who has managed to make enemies in countries all across the world.  Bieber’s run-ins with the law and his drastic style change have resulted in the formation of a petition to get him deported back to Canada.

(Photo by Nicky Loh/Getty Images)
